
维持性血液透析患者血红蛋白的变异性和死亡相关 被引量:10

Hemoglobin variability is associated with mortality in patients on maintenance hemodialysis
摘要 目的 探讨维持性血液透析(maintenance hemodialysis,MHD)患者血红蛋白变异性和全因死亡之间的关系. 方法 收集2007年7月至2012年12月上海市透析登记系统中登记的364例上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院MHD患者一般情况、生化指标以及预后.评估血红蛋白的变异性[血红蛋白标准差(SD)、变异系数(CV)]与全因死亡之间的关系.结果 364例患者平均年龄63.07±13.93岁,平均透析龄76.0 (42.25,134.0)月,死亡患者85例占23.4%.MHD死亡患者平均血红蛋白SD和CV较高[分别为19.19±6.31比13.74±5.89和0.172±0.07比0.126±0.056,P均<0.001],与存活患者相比均有统计学差异.血红蛋白SD大于P75(上四分位数)组,其发生全因死亡的危险显著高于SD小于P25(上四分位数)组患者[OR=5.964,95% CI(2.663~13.357),P<0.001].校正了年龄、性别、生活方式和生化指标后,两者结果相同[OR=4.961,95% CI (1.959~11.238),P<0.001].Kaplan-Meier分析显示血红蛋白SD和CV小于P25患者其生存率显著低于P75组患者(P均<0.001).ROC曲线下面积(AUC)显示血红蛋白SD、CV预测MHD患者全因死亡的AUC分别为0.677g/1和0.721(当截断点为10.647和0.1086时,其敏感性为89.4%和85.1%,特异性为67.7%和60.3%,P<0.001).多因素Logistic回归分析显示血红蛋白CV升高、年龄增加和CRP升高是MHD患者全因死亡独立危险因素.结论 MHD患者血红蛋白的变异性较大患者具有较高死亡危险度,血红蛋白的变异性可能有助于MHD患者全因死亡的预测. Objective To determine the relationship between hemoglobin variability and mortality in maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) patients.Methods A total of 364 MHD cases were recruited from Shanghai Renal Registry Network.The relationship between hemoglobin variability and all-cause mortality was assessed.Results In the 364 MHD cases,the average age was 63.07±13.93 years,the dialysis vintage was 76.0 (42.25,134.0) months,and 85 patients (23%) died.The dead patients had a higher mean hemoglobin SD and CV comparing with the survival patients (19.19±6.31 vs.13.74±5.89,and 0.172±0.07 vs.0.126±0.056,respectively,P<0.001).Risk of all-cause mortality in patients in the upper quartile (P75) of hemoglobin SD was significantly higher than those in the lower quartile (P25) (OR=5.964,95% CI 2.663 ~ 13.357,P< 0.001),even after adjustment for demographic data,lifestyle factors and biochemical markers (OR=4.961,95% CI 1.959~ 11.238,P<0.001).Kaplan-Meier method showed that patients with hemoglobin SD and CV in the upper quartile had a lower survival rate (P< 0.001).ROC-AUC of hemoglobin SD and CV for all-cause mortality were 0.677 and 0.721,respectively (cutoff 10.647g/1 and 0.1086,respectively; accuracy 89.4% and 85.1%,respectively; specificity 67.7% and 60.3%,respectively; P<0.001).Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that higher hemoglobin CV,older age and higher CRP were the independent risk factors for all-cause mortality.Conclusions The highest hemoglobin SD and CV were independently correlated with all-cause mortality.Hemoglobin variability may have prediction value for mortality in MHD patients.
出处 《中国血液净化》 2014年第1期12-16,共5页 Chinese Journal of Blood Purification
关键词 维持性血液透析 血红蛋白 变异性 Maintenance hemodialysis Hemoglobin Variability
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