
低温下PABR反应器处理生活污水的中试研究 被引量:2

Pilot-scale Study on the Treatment of Domestic Sewage by Periodic Anaerobic Baffled Reactor at Low Temperature
摘要 为探索周期性厌氧折流板反应器(PABR)处理生活污水的实际运行效果,研究了PABR反应器的启动,考察了反应器在启动过程中的处理效果及厌氧污泥特征。结果表明,在低温(3一18℃)条件下,进水COD浓度180—350mg/L时,通过逐步缩短水力停留时间(HRT)(20h—12h一12h)来提高有机负荷,最后固定HRT为12h,完成PABR的启动。启动完成后,COD平均去除率为75%,出水COD浓度在60一90mg/L,容积负荷为0.7kgCOD/(m3·d),出水pH在7.3左右,挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)的浓度为160mg/L左右,碱度在280mg/L左右,反应器每日处理量约为2.1rn3。PABR反应器前端的l井、2#隔室对COD的去除分别占总去除率的53%和40%;1#、2#隔室污泥的污泥浓度、可沉降性、污泥活性等均优于后端3群、甜隔室。PABR反应器处理生活污水在低温下可以成功启动并稳定运行。 In order to investigate the operation effect of periodic anaerobic baffled reactor (PABR) for the treatment of domestic sewage, the start-up of PABR and treatment performance were studied. Results showed that the PABR which operated at low temperature of 3~18 ~C can be started-up successfully. The hydraulic retention time (HRT) was gradually decreased (20h-12h-12h) at a constant influent COD concentration of 180~350 mg/L. The average removal rate of COD was 75%, COD of the treated effluent was between 60 and 90 mg/L, with volume organic loading of 0.7 kg COD/(m3"d), pH of effluent was about 7.3 and the concentration of volatile fatty acid (VFA) was 160 mg/L, alkalinity concentration was 280 mg/L when the reactor was started successfully. In addition, most of the COD in wastewater was removed in the first two compartment of the PABR, with COD removal in the first two compartments up to 53% and 40% of the total COD removal respectively. MLSS, MLVSS, settle ability and activity in the former two compartments were better than that in the latter two ones. Therefore, PABR can be set up successfully and run smoothly when treating domestic sewage under low temperature condition.
出处 《环境科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期138-142,154,共6页 Environmental Science & Technology
基金 重庆市科技攻关计划项目(csct2011ggC20016) 重庆市科技攻关计划项目(cstc2012ggB20001)
关键词 PABR 低负荷污水 低温运行 periodic anaerobic baffled reactor (PABR) low -strength sewage low temperature start-up
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