C25-8.83%.981 is a extraction steam heating type turbo-generator set. The unit in the process ot start debugging, no. 4 bearing axial vibration have been found to exceed bid failure, heat generator rotor unbalance fault and the problem of steam turbine with ground fault movement.By starting in the process of running the unit parameter monitoring and vibration in shaft system of monitoring, through the analysis of the phenomenon and the related data, and many times in the process of downtime to adjust. Eventually determine the no. 4 bearing axial vibration exceeds the main reason is because of the spherical bearing and ball seat positioning pin, cause dowel unsmooth, so that the vibration force projection points do not overlap with bearing geometric center, no. 4 bearing axial vibration is too large. And heat balance and the steam turbine generator rotor movement to touch the ground fault phenomenon is in the process of grid load operation of no. 4 bearing and the no. 2 bearing vibration. Via the analysis judgment, is mainly due to the rotor of the generator hot bending happened in the process of operation, leading to send the rotor heat imbalance, produce bigger axial vibration, which affect the steam turbine rotor and the action is no. 2 bearing vibration grinding. Finally through the field dynamic balance, add weight, makes the problem to get a better solution.
China Science and Technology Information
turbo-generator set
Analysis and processing