对 7个钢铁公司 2 5个工厂 1390个测点呼吸性粉尘最高容许浓度测定和游离二氧化硅含量进行分析 ,将呼吸性粉尘浓度分布分为三类 ,得出各类浓度分布柱状图和累积分布曲线 ,一、二、三类的呼吸性粉尘平均浓度分别为 2 .49mg/ m3、7.14m g/ m3 和 2 2 .1m g/ m3。 Si O2 [F]含量的分布规律是 <10 %占 73% ,10 %~ 5 0 %占 2 5 .5 % ,>5 0 %占 1.5 %。
Determining the highest permitted concentration of respirable dust and analyzing content of silicon dioxide in 1390 determination spots in 25 plants in seven iron and steel corporations. Respirable dust density distribution is divided into 3 kinds,which can be draw various density distribution column charts and collective distribution charts,the first,second,third kind of average density distribution of respirable dust is 2.49mg/m 3,7.14mg/m 3,22.1mg/m 3.Distribution law of SiO 2[F] content is less than 10%,73%;10%~50%,25.5%;more than 50%,1.5%.