1926年成立于纽约的华美协进社(China Institute),是在美国成立的第一个致力于向美国大众介绍中国和传播中国文化的教育文化组织。它与著名的哥伦比亚大学有着千丝万缕的联系。其主要创办者胡适、约翰·杜威(John Dewey)和保罗·孟禄(Paul Monroe),华美协进社首任社长郭秉文、继任社长孟治以及此后的继任者,多数是具有哥伦比亚大学背景的学者。1980年代以来,负责华美协进社教育项目的 Marsha Wagner,Morris Rossabi Nancy Jervis以及自2000年以来负责华美协进社语言部工作的本文作者等,也都有哥伦比亚大学背景。自成立至今,华美协进社通过演讲宣传、办展览,设讲座和举办培训班等灵活多样的形式,为交流中美教育文化信息,增进中美教育机构之间的联系,推动中美两国间交换教授与学生,协助在美的中国留学生,介绍中国文化和中国概况等,做了大量卓有成效的工作。
Founded in 1926 by a group of distinguished American and Chinese educators including John Dewey, Hu Shih, Paul Monroe and Dr. Kuo Ping-wen, China Institute is the oldest bicultural organization in America devoted exclusively to China. These four founders all had connections with Columbia University with Hu Shih and Kup Ping-wen being Ph. D. recipients and Dewey and Monroe being faculty members. The article traces the history of China Institute from its formative years to the present with a focus on its connection with Columbia University. Since its inception, China Institute has been in the forefront of disseminating Chinese culture to the American public, promoting US-China educational exchange and assisting with the Chinese studentsstudying in the U. S.
Journal of Jiangsu Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition