
中英学术论文语篇互文性特征对比研究 被引量:3

A Contrastive Study of Chinese and English Academic Articles from the Perspective of Intertextuality
摘要 学术论文语篇是学术社团交流学术观点和研究成果的语篇类型,互文性是该类语篇的共同特点。通过研究发现,中英学术语篇大量使用具体互文,而不使用体裁互文,这与语篇的文体要求和语篇目的有关。就具体互文而言,中英学术语篇均大量使用引用互文,一是要表明与前人的关联,二是在论述个人学术研究过程中增强自己的话语说服力。在直接引用互文和间接引用互文以及提供研究背景和直接支持性互文使用方面,中英社会科学语篇之间存在较大差异,而中英自然科学语篇之间却不具有显著差异,这表明社会科学语篇的建构方式与民族思维和文化传统密切相关,而自然科学由于自身的特点而具有跨文化的同一性。 Academic articles are the specific genre for exchanging researchers'academic views and achievements in the academic communities. Intertextuality is the common feature of this genre. Through a systematic analysis, this study reveals that specific intertexuality is prevalent in both Chinese and English articles, but no use of generic intertextuality is found. This is attributed by the stylistic requirements and textual purpose. As for specific intertextuality, both Chinese and English academic articles use a lot of quotations, some of which are to indicate the connection with the predecessors' research and the others are to support and enhance the authority of the present author's research. Regarding direct, indirect and background, supporting quotation, a remarkable difference is detected only between Chinese and English social science articles. This finding indicates that social science research writing is noticeably influenced by national thinking and national culture while natural science writing is influenced by the intercultural homoousia of the natural science.
作者 李长忠
出处 《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2014年第1期70-75,共6页 Journal of Jiangsu Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 学术语篇 互文性 语用功能 academic article intertextuality contrastive study
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