
论主体形而上学对心理学的作用以及弗洛伊德的解决方案 被引量:2

On the Role of Subjective Metaphysics in Psychology and Freud's Solution
摘要 心理学自冯特以来屡陷困境,其根源之一在于自笛卡尔以降的主体形而上学对心理学的作用并未得到完全理解。主体形而上学通过展示世界被还原为人的心灵尺度的极端可能性,使现代心理学成为可能,而且拥有了比哲学和其他学科更优越的地位。而由于试图运用一种新心理学作为改造哲学的准备,或者建构"严格科学的哲学"的起点,科学主义心理学的奠基人冯特和人文主义心理学先行者布伦坦诺都被揭露为心理主义者。如果说在主体形而上学中主体只是一种抽象的理性能力,身体因被视为惰性的、机械的肉体机器而无理论地位,语言仅被作为表达内在思想的外在工具,那么,弗洛伊德则开始直面主体形而上学思想道路的这些核心问题。但由于其精神分析的目标在于用理性控制非理性的、无意识的欲望,弗洛伊德吊诡地代表了主体形而上学的顶点。而主体形而上学这种吊诡收场正是针对其进行的后现代反讽的滥觞。 Western psychology has been in a predicament since the era of Wundt. One of the reasons is psychology's lack of complete reflection on the role of subjective metaphysics since Descartes. Subjective metaphysics makes modem psychology possible and superior to philosophy and other disciplines by showing the extreme possibiIity to reduce the world to the scale of mind. Due to their endeavor either to use a new psychology as the preparation for the transformation of philosophy or as the starting point to construct "strict scientific philosophy", both Wundt, the founder of scientific psychology, and Brentano, the pioneer of humanistic psychology were exposed as psychologistic. If in subjective metaphysics the subject is merely considered as a form of abstract rational ability, the body as theoretically unimportant due to being regarded as inert and mechanical corpus machine, and language only as the external tool to express internal thoughts, then Freud began to face the core issues of the subjective metaphysics. However as a result of the fact that the goal of psychoanalysis is to control irrational and unconscious desires with the help of reason, Freud paradoxically represents the ultimate form of subjective metaphysics. And this sort of paradoxical end indicates exactly the starting of the postmodem irony of subjective metaphysics.
作者 王波
出处 《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2014年第1期142-147,共6页 Journal of Jiangsu Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 主体 主体形而上学 身体 心理主义 弗洛伊德 冯特 subject subjective metaphysics body psychologism Freud Wundt
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