目的探讨腺苷脱氨酶(ADA)试剂对全自动生化分析仪镁离子测定的影响。方法测定ADA试剂中的镁离子浓度;单独比较测定混合血清中的镁离子和先测定ADA再测定镁离子的检测结果;将不同浓度ADA试剂加入标本中测定其镁离子浓度的变化。结果 ADA试剂中镁离子含量为0.739mmol/L。单独测镁离子与先测ADA再测镁离子的结果比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。镁离子结果增加的幅度与ADA试剂的量呈直线相关。结论 ADA试剂对镁离子测定有正干扰。
Objective To study the effect of the ADA reagent on detecting magnesium on the automatical analyzer. Methods We detected the concentration of magnesium in the mixed serum sample alone or after detecting the concentration of ADA in the same serum sample,and then detected the concentration of magnesium in the serum sample mixed with different concentration o[ ADA reagent. Results The concentration of magnesium in the ADA reagent was 0, 739 mmol/L. The values of magnesium concen- tration from two detected methods are significant different. The concentration of magnesium is correlated with the amount of the ADA reagent that was added into the detected samples. Conclusion The ADA reagent has significant influence on detecting the concentration of magnesium in the clinical serum samples because of the existence of magnesium in the ADA reagent.
International Journal of Laboratory Medicine