河南省劳动力市场经过近 10年的培育和成长 ,市场机制和框架已初步形成。但劳动力市场的发育和成长与其他生产要素市场相比还比较缓慢 ,在市场机制、秩序、管理、投资及宏观调控等方面存在不足。加快劳动力市场的科学化、规范化、现代化建设是当务之急。
After a ten-year cultivation and development, the market mechanism and the frame of the labor market in Henan province have already taken shape. But the cultivation and development of the labor market fall behind those of the market of other essential production factors. There exist some defects in the labor market concerning market mechanism, management and order, investment and macro adjustment and control. It is urgent to speed up the construction of a scientific, standardized and modernized labor market.
Economic Survey