目的:通过新的维吾尔族妇女宫颈癌组织特异性上调表达基因的分析,探讨宫颈癌发生与基因表达调控的关系及临床意义。方法选择6种新发现的宫颈癌组织特异性上调表达候选基因,设计 mRNA 特异性引物,对25例宫颈鳞癌(cervical squamous cell carcinoma,CSCC)、22例宫颈内上皮瘤变(cervical intraepithelial neo-plasia,CIN)Ⅱ~Ⅲ和25例宫颈炎组织 RNA 进行半定量 RT-PCR 鉴定。结果 CSCC 与宫颈炎组织比较, SHISA2、SIX1、果蝇同源盒基因(DTL)、桥粒芯糖蛋白-2(DSG2)、NUP62CL 和胞嘧啶脱氨酶(APOBE63B)6种基因的 mRNA 水平均有差异(P <0.05);CSCC 与 CINⅡ~Ⅲ比较,SHISA2、SIX1、APOBEC3B 和 DSG24种基因的mRNA 水平有差异(P <0.05),而 CINⅡ~Ⅲ与宫颈炎比较,只有 SHISA2基因的 mRNA 水平差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。结论SHISA2、SIX1、DTL、DSG2、NUP62CL 和 APOBE63B 6种基因的转录表达水平变化可能成为维吾尔族妇女宫颈癌发生的早期预警标志物。
Objective To screen novel genes upregulated in cervical cancer,and investigate association of cervical carcinogenesis with the regulation of gene expression and clinical outcome.Methods We selected six newly identified genes specific to,and upregulated in,tissue specimens of cervical carcinoma.After de-signing of mRNA sequence specific primers,the expression level of these genes was detected by semi-quantitative RT-PCR,in a total of 72 cases of fresh tissue specimens from Uyghur women with cervix le-sions including 25 cases of cervical squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC),22 cases of cervical intraepithelial ne-oplasia (CIN)and 25 cases of cervicitis or normal cervix (NC);Results The transcription levels of SHISA2,SIX1,DTL,DSG2,NUP62CL and APOBE63B were significantly different in CSCC from NC (P <0.05).CSCC compared to CINⅡ-Ⅲ,the expression of SHISA2,SIX1,APOBEC3B and DSG2 gene were significantly different (P <0.05).Except for SHISA2,no differences were found for the expression of other genes when CINⅡ-Ⅲ and NC was compared (P >0.05).Conclusion The aberrant up-regulation of SHISA2,SIX1,DTL,DSG2,NUP62CL and APOBE63B gene expression may become potential mark-ers for the early diagnosis of cervical carcinoma.
Journal of Xinjiang Medical University