利用 X射线光电子能谱仪 (XPS)对 MoS2溅射膜掺杂 Sb2O3/Au的抗氧化性能进行了研究。结果表明, Sb2O3/Au使得 MoS2溅射膜的结构变得更为致密。同时还改变了 MoSx的化学计量配比,增强了 MoS2溅射膜的抗氧化性能。通过掺杂的 MoS2溅射膜的初始氧化以及在潮湿环境中的氧化只发生在膜表面的 2~ 3个分子层,使得内层被保护得相当好。掺杂是解决 MoS2溅射膜氧化问题的一种行之有效的方法。
The oxidation resistance properties of MoS2 sputtered films doping Sb2O3/Au have been studied by X ray photoelectron spectrometry(XPS).The results indicate that the doped films have the denser structure. The doping can improve the oxidation resistance properties of MoS2 sputtered films and change the ratio between sulfur and molybdenum. The oxidation of MoS2 sputtered films only occurs at the surface of the doped films of 2~ 3 molecule layers under the initial oxidation or the moisture environment.The doped films are very well protected under the initial oxidation. So the doping is a good method to resolve the oxidation problem of MoS2 sputtered films.
Vacuum and Cryogenics