
氢内燃机汽车与传统内燃机汽车的经济性比较研究 被引量:8

A Comparative Study of Differences Between Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles and Traditional Vehicles
摘要 为研究氢内燃机汽车推广应用潜在的经济价值,对氢气的生产成本、氢内燃机汽车的改装成本、运行成本进行了调查研究,探讨了轿车和公交车改装氢内燃机后潜在的碳交易收益。研究结果表明,当前技术条件下,氢气使用成本为2~2.5元,m3与汽油轿车相比,氢内燃机轿车可节省35%左右的燃料费用:与城市单层中型柴油公交车相比,氢内燃机公交车可节省20%左右的燃料费用。在不考虑政府补贴的前提下,氢内燃机轿车运行3年的碳排放收益与运营成本节约能够抵消改装成本,氢内燃机公交车运行10年可抵消改装成本。与CNG汽车相比,氢内燃机汽车能够持续、稳定地获得可观的碳交易收益。因此,氢内燃机轿车及公交车的推广具有良好的经济效益和长远的环境效益。 To study the potential economic value of hydrogen internal combustion engine vehicles, the hydrogen production cost and the conversion costs of traditional vehicles to hydrogen-fueled ones were investigated. The income gains from emission trade when converting cars and buses to hydrogen-fueled vehicles are discussed. The investigations show that the cost of using hydrogen is about 2 CNY/Nm3 to 2.5 CNY/Nma. Compared with gasoline cars, hydrogen internal combustion engine cars can reduce fuel consumption costs by 30%. The fuel consumption costs of hydrogen buses can be reduced by 16% compared with those of single-deck diesel buses. Without considering the government subsidies, the conversion costs of gasoline cars to hydrogen-fueled cars will be offset by the emission trade and fuel savings within three years. The conversion costs of diesel buses to hydrogen-fueled buses will be offset in 10 years. Therefore, improved economic and environmental benefits will be realized by developing hydrogen-fueled vehicles.
出处 《汽车工程学报》 2014年第1期21-27,共7页 Chinese Journal of Automotive Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金(51276019) 高技术研究发展计划(2006AA11A1B6)
关键词 氢气 氢内燃机 经济性 碳排放收益 hydrogen hydrogen internal combustion engine economy carbon trading
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