国家同步辐射实验室储存环超高真空系统自建成至今已稳定运行了 10年。储存环正常运行时 ,在储存能量 80 0 Me V时储存流强 2 0 0 m A的束流寿命已超过 6 0 0 min。 NSRL正在进行的二期工程 ,要求光源性能有进一步的提高和改善 ,机器达到长期、稳定、可靠运行。为了达到储存环能量 80 0 Me V时储存流强 30 0 m A时的束流寿命 6 0 0 min以上 ,有必要对现有的环真空系统进行改造。本文详细分析了 NSRL真空系统的现状和存在的问题 ,根据光源改造对真空系统的要求 。
NSRL storage ring UHV system has been operated for ten years. The typical beam lifetime of the NSRL stored beam was over 600 min at 200mA and 800 MeV. The NSRL Phase Ⅱ project requires the improvement of the Synchrotron Radiation Light Source to upgrade its performance and enhance the quality, to reach long term stability and reliable operation. For the beam lifetime of the NSRL stored beam more than 600 min at 300 mA and 800 MeV, we must improve storage ring vacuum system. In this paper the situation of the storage ring vacuum system and existing problems have been analyzed and calculated. Based on the phase Ⅱ project requirements for the ring vacuum system, we provide specific measures and the plan of improvement.