This paper reviews the work of the global mobile learning research and practitioner community. It critiques and classifies these achievements and it documents the motivations and the evolution of this community. It explores the case that these achievements, whilst growing out of specific contexts, open up learning opportunities that are progressively less and less constrained to particular regions or countries of the world, that they are no longer specific to either‘emerging'or 'mature'markets or to‘devel-oping'or‘developed'regions. This is true of the developments across Asia, including China, as much as elsewhere. These achievements are however the product of particular educational discourses, technological innovations and funding opportunities and they are now increasingly challenged by the mobility and connectedness of societies, communities and individuals. Now however, we see dramatic increases globally including Asia in the personal, domestic and social use of personal connected mobile devices.These devices redefine how communities and individuals understand learning by the way they redefine the nature and significance of knowledge. They provide increasing anywhere/anytime access to images,ideas and information; they also provide just-in-time/just-for-me access to them and they turn undifferentiated knowledge consumers into highly differentiated knowledge producers. They redefine how different people think about discourse, identity and community and this has led to new forms of commerce, employment, crime, artistic expression, political organisation and to new artefacts, commodities, organisations and economic assets. These developments are a challenge to the mobile learning community and significant factors in the possible development of mobile learning in Asia, including China.
Chinese Journal of Distance Education