
陕西省种植业生产过程中碳排放的估算 被引量:5

Estimation of Carbon Emission During the Process of Planting Industry in Shaanxi
摘要 为了解陕西省种植业中基于投入的碳排放时间变化和空间分布情况,从化肥、农膜、农药和农业机械的使用等4个投入方面对陕西省1990—2011年种植业生产过程中碳排放量以及碳排放强度进行了估算。结果表明:1990—2011年,陕西省种植业生产过程中碳排放总量成增加趋势,从1990年的6.267×106t增加到2011年的18.829×106t,增长2倍;碳排放强度呈增加趋势,从1990年的1.289 4t/hm2增加到2011年的4.516 4t/hm2,增加2.5倍;化肥和农膜的使用是陕西省种植业生产过程中碳排放的最主要来源。2011年陕西省碳排放总量及碳排放强度空间差异明显,渭南市碳排放总量最大(538 253.1t),杨凌示范区最小(9 633.4t);碳排放强度以杨凌示范区最大(1.318t/hm2),商洛市最小(0.258t/hm2)。 The carbon emissions and carbon emission intensity from the process of planting industry during 1990 ~ 2011 were estimated from four input aspects of chemical fertilizer, agricultural film, pesticide and agricultural machinery to know temporal variation and spatial distribution of carbon emission for developing low carbon agriculture in Shaanxi. The results showed that the total carbon emissions and carbon emission intensity both represented a rise trend and the total carbon emissions and carbon emission intensity increased from 6. 267 10~t in 1990 to 18. 829 10~t in 2011 and from 1. 289 4 t/h㎡ in 1990 to 4. 516 4 t/hm2in 2011 respectively. The main source of carbon was from chemical fertilizer and agriculture film. There was significance in spatial difference of total carbon emission and carbon emission intensity in 2011. The maximum and minimum total carbon emissions was 538 253.1 t (Weinan city) and 9 633.4 t (Yangling demonstration area), and maximum and minimum carbon emission intensity was 1. 318 t/hm2 (Yangling demonstration area) and 0. 258 t/hm2 (Shangluo city) separately.
出处 《贵州农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第12期194-198,共5页 Guizhou Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"榆林地区景观生态风险时空特征研究"(31140042) 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目"基于雨洪管理的的渭河渭南段生态土地规划研究"(2009JM5004) 陕西省软科学计划项目"陕北能源化工基地生态风险分析与评价"(2007RK21)
关键词 碳排放 种植业 低碳农业 陕西 carbon emission planting industry low carbon agriculture Shaanxi
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