
模态转换能力对学习者英语书面语输出体系的影响 被引量:1

Influences of modality converting abilities on learners' English written system
摘要 本文将模态转换能力引入学能结构,对学习者英语书面语输出体系内部变量与模态转换能力的关系进行历时性研究,通过多元相关分析和多层回归建模得出结论如下:与同模态输入变量相比,模态转换能力变量与英语书面语输出体系变量的相关度更高;后者对书面语输出体系变量W/T、DC/T、S/T和LC/T变异的解释力分别为72.2%、57.8%、65.9%和67.0%。作为学能优势,模态转换能力能够通过信息加工过程对英语学习者书面语输出中句法和词汇体系的复杂性产生影响。 By taking modality converting abilities(MCAs) as foreign language aptitudes, this study diachronically examines the relationship between variables of English learners' written system of the target language and their MCAs. A multiple correlation analysis and hierarchical regression models yielded two major findings:(1) Compared with the homo-modal input abilities, MCAs were more closely correlated with the variables of learners' English written system, accounting for 72.2% of the variance explained in the W/T, 57.8% in the DC/T, 65.9% in the S/T, and 67.0% in the LC/T respectively; and(2) As stable and effective advantages in foreign language learning, MCAs affected the syntactical and lexical complexity in English learners' written output by improving the efficiency of information processing.
作者 秦琴 刘伟
机构地区 北京交通大学
出处 《现代外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期107-117,147,共11页 Modern Foreign Languages
基金 北京交通大学科技基金资助项目"二语学习者输入能力差异对输出影响的认知理据与路径"(KLJ08005532)的阶段性成果
关键词 外语学能 模态转换能力 书面语输出体系 foreign language aptitudes modality converting abilities English written system
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