
全球与地方的二元辩证——全球化时代地方的流动性与复苏 被引量:3

Fluidity,Recovery of Place,and Dialectics of the Global and the Local in the Era of Globalization
摘要 随着乌淑拉·海瑟的扛鼎大作《地方感知与全球感知》出版问世,全球环境主义几近一夕间推翻了地方环境概念的论点。海瑟所提出的"生态世界主义"影响特别深远,许多生态批评家高呼建构全球环境论述的同时支持"生态世界主义"的概念。本文试图论述全球与在地两者之间互补性的重要,认为两者的关系在全球环境主义的讨论中不容忽略。正如嘉桑诺所强调的,随着全球环境主义的兴起,再次探讨在地的概念尤其重要。近年来,探讨"在地"的概念蔚为风潮,相关议题包含逐渐受环境殖民主义抹去的"在地"与"地方性"。笔者同意贝克的观点,认为分配不均是现行地球上最重要的环境问题。地方政治仍然是反对抽绎化的主要力量,借以抵御帝国主义经由新殖民和全球商业利益对地方展开的行政操控。古巴迪的作品提出文化记忆的观点,强调地方情感的维系,以此批判海瑟的生态世界主义。席娃提醒世人警惕全球企业牺牲生物多样性从而产生单一文化的危险,本文认同这一观点,认为在地化才是全球环境主义和民族精神的根本价值。 With the landmark publication of Ursula Heise's Sense of Place and Sense of Planet. global environmentalism seemed to topple local environmental arguments almost overnight. Heise's influential term and concept of "eco-cosmopolitanism," in particular, has been embraced by many ecocritics in their call for global environmental discourses. In this paper, I want to argue that mutual complementarity between the global and the local. a relationship noted by Ulrich Beck and Sheila Jasanoff, should not be ignored in the discussion of global envi- ronmentalism. The rediscovery of the local brought about by the rise of global environmentalism emphasized by Jasanoff is worth our careful attention. Recognition of this is evidenced by a recent revival of the interest in the "local," including the related issue of the erasure of "local" and "place" by environmental colonialism. I agree with Beck when he points out that inequality is the earth's most important environmental problem. A politics of place is still essential to opposing and resisting the abstract and imperialist administrative control of the "place" by neocolonial, corporate global interests. In support of my claim, I' 11 draw on the work of Axel Goodbody and his emphasis on our affective ties to a local place from a perspective of cultural memory in his critique of Heise's e- co-cosmopolitanism. I'll also enlist the arguments of Vandana Shiva, especially where she warns of the danger of monoculture at the expense of biodiversity caused by corporate globalization and when she insists that localization is the basis for a true planetary environmentalism or earth democracy.
作者 黄逸民
机构地区 淡江大学英文系
出处 《鄱阳湖学刊》 2013年第6期87-95,共9页 Journal of Poyang Lake
关键词 全球化 在地化 生态世界主义 地方政治 文化记忆 地方情感维系 globalization localization eco-cosmopolitanism politics of place cultural memory, affective ties to a place
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  • 1Ursula Heise. Sense of Place and Sense of Planet[M].Oxford:Oxford UP,2008.8.
  • 2Ursula Heise. Sense of Place and Sense of Planet[M].
  • 3Ursula Heise. Sense of Place and Sense of Planet[M].
  • 4Ursula Heise. Sense of Place and Sense of Planet[M].
  • 5Ursula Heise. Sense of Place and Sense of Planet[M].
  • 6Ursula Heise. Sense of Place and Sense of Planet[M].
  • 7Ursula Heise. Sense of Place and Sense of Planet[M].
  • 8Ursula Heise. Sense of Place and Sense of Planet[M].
  • 9Ursula Heise. Sense of Place and Sense of Planet[M].
  • 10Ursula Heise. Sense of Place and Sense of Planet[M].











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