目的:观察并分析奥美拉唑联合法莫替丁治疗反流性食管炎的临床效果。方法:选取2008年5月至2012年5月在本院确诊并治疗的反流性食管炎患者45例,随机平均分为三组。联合用药组(15例):每日早餐前口服20 mg奥美拉唑,睡前口服20 mg法莫替丁;奥美拉唑组(15例):每日口服两次奥美拉唑,每次20 mg;法莫替丁组(15例):每日口服两次法莫替丁,每次20 mg。每组的治疗时间均为8周。在内镜指导下观察并比较三组患者的胸痛、反酸和烧心等主要病征的改善情况,综合评价三种治疗方法的临床疗效。结果:联合用药组较其他两组获得的疗效更明显,患者的症状得到较好的改善,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:奥美拉唑联合法莫替丁能够有效地抑制胃酸的分泌,对于反流性食管炎的临床治疗具有良好的效果。
Objective: To observe and analyze the clinical effect of omeprazole combining with famotidine on the treatment of reflux esophagitis. Methods: 45 patients who were diagnosed and treated with reflux esophagitis in our hospital from May 2008 to May 2012 were randomly divided into three groups. Group A(15 cases): the patients were administrated oral drugs with omeprazole (20 mg) before breakfast and famotidine (20 mg) at bedtime; Group B (15 cases): the patients were administrated oral drugs with omeprazole (20 mg/once) twice a day; Group C (15 cases): the patients were administrated oral drugs with famotidine (20 mg/once) twice a day. The average time of the treatment was 8 weeks for the three groups. On the basis ofgastroscope, we comprehensively observed and analyzed the improved situations about the main symptom of three groups, such as the pectoralgia, reflux, heart rot and so on. Results: The efficacy of group A that was administrated with omeprazole and famotidine was obviously better than either of the omeprazole group or the famotidine group, and there was statistically significant difference (P〈0,05). Conclusion: The secretion of gastric acid can be effectively restrained which has reliable curative effect on reflux esophagitis. It is suggested that the secretion of stomach acid could be effectively restrained by omeprazole combined with famotidine. It is well worthy of promoting for the treatment of reflux esophagitis in the clinical field.
Progress in Modern Biomedicine