目的验证并量化突发性强感觉刺激下的神经肌肉下意识反应优先效应。方法 36名大学生分别完成弱声及突发性强声刺激条件下的听觉简单反应、音调辨别反应和音调选择反应任务,并以表面肌电图监测被试相关肌肉电活动。结果突发性强声刺激下的肌电活动潜伏期远短于各种反应时间(较简单反应时快322±39ms),且强声刺激显著干扰各种听觉反应任务,对简单反应时的延滞达224±123 ms。结论研究证实了突发性强听觉刺激下神经肌肉反应的下意识优先效应,突发性强声刺激对各种反应时任务均造成显著干扰。研究结果提示突发性强刺激条件下的表面肌电信号或可作为车辆主动性防撞系统的控制输入。
Objective To validate and quantify the priority effect of neuro-muscular subconscious activity elicited by the unexpected intense acoustic stimulus.Method 36 college students were randomly selected and divided into three groups for measuring their auditory simple RT,tone identification RT and tone choice RT under the conditions of common stimulus and an unexpected intense stimulus.Surface electromyogram (sEMG) was employed to monitor the neuro-muscular activities of several related muscles.Results The onset latency of neuro-muscular activities under the unexpected intense stimulus was considerably shorter than all kinds of RTs.The priority of the latency to the simple RT was 322±39ms.All task performances were disturbed by the unexpected intense stimulus.In simple RT task the disturbance was exhibited as the delay in reaction time (224±123ms).Conclusion The results validated and quantified the priority of neuro-muscular subconscious activity elicited by the unexpected intense acoustic stimulus.The disturbance effect was also quantified under this experimental pattern.The study suggested that active safety system in vehicle driving could be designed based on the neuro-muscular activities as alarms of emergency situations.
Chinese Journal of Ergonomics
unexpected intensive stimulus
subconscious response
Surface electromyogram