目的 通过梳理古代文献中对乳腺癌病名、病因病机及治法方药的认识,为临床治疗乳腺癌提供理论基础和更开阔的辨治思路.方法 通过病名检索,采用内容分析法筛选对与乳腺癌相关度较高的古代文献资料,从病因病机、治法和方药几个方面进行梳理和归纳.结果 气滞、痰凝、血瘀、正虚是乳腺癌形成的重要因素,正气不足、脏腑亏虚是乳腺癌的重要病因病机.强调未病先治,早期注重祛邪;中期扶正祛邪并重;后期注重扶正、疏肝解郁、调理情志.结论 中医对乳腺癌的认识以及中医药治疗乳腺癌的优势有待进一步挖掘整理,古籍研究方法仍需提高和完善.
Objective Through researching the name,etiology,pathogenesis and therapeutic methods and prescriptions of the breast cancer in ancient medical documents to provide the theoretical basis and syndrome differentiation thinking for the treatment of breast cancer clinically.Methods By disease name searching,content analysis was used to screening the ancient literature that associated with breast cancer.The pathogenesis,treatment and medicine used of breast cancer in these ancient literatures were summarized.Results The stagnation of Qi and phlegm,blood stasis,and vital deficiency are important factors for breast cancer formation,while the deficiency of vital qi and viscera deficiency are important pathogenesis of breast cancer.Prevention before the onset of disease,eliminating pathogenic factors at the early period of the disease,supplement vital qi and eliminating pathogenic vital qi in the middle stage,and supplementing vital qi at the late stage of the disease should be emphasized.Meanwhile soothing liver to regulate mode and depression should also be paid attention.Conclusion The recognition of breast cancerby TCM and advantage of TCM in treating this disease need further literature researches.
International Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Breast cancer: Traditional Chinese medicine
Ancient literature research