1973年在新疆吐鲁番阿斯塔那古墓群的208号合葬墓中,出土了若干件纸质文书,吐鲁番文书整理者经过梳理,将其中的2件文书收入《吐鲁番出土文书》第六册。其中有一件编号为73 TAM 208:12的《唐人习字》文书,文书前两行书写的是晋朝书法家卫铄的《与释某书》中的内容,第三行书写的是与儒家典籍相关的内容。这件文书反映的是唐代繁荣的书法艺术,同时也表明当时书法与儒学并重的状况。
Turpan Astana Cemeteries No. 208 tomb, unearthed several pieces of manuscripts, documents of Turpan finishing after carding ,2 pieces of documents income "the unearthed doc-ments in Turpan" sixth volumes in Xinjiang,1973. There are a number of 73 TAM 208: 12, "Tang" document writing, write two script documents before the Jin Dynasty calligrapher Weishuo "is the release of a book" and the contents of the third, the writing is related to the content of Confucian classics. This document not only reflects the prosperity of the Tang ty calligraphy art, but also indicates that calligraphy and equal status of confucianism. Dynasty calligraphy art, but also indicates that calligraphy and equal status of confucianism.