

The Expedition for Sino-Japanese Foreign Trade of the Export Product Structure During the Sakaku Period — As the Object of Canton and Nagasaki
摘要 17—18世纪之交,中国和日本相继进入封建社会的最后发展阶段,中日两国社会体制虽存在较大差异,但在对外关系方面却不约而同地实行"闭关锁国"政策。然而,锁国并非意味着与外部世界的彻底隔绝,如将其与东亚国际贸易相联系来考察,则毋宁称之为国家政治权利控制下的有限对外开放暨广州、长崎"一口通商"之贸易形态。就输出品结构来说,广州港口大宗输出品包括生丝及丝织品、瓷器、茶叶,主要输出品为棉布及糖;长崎大宗输出品为贵重金属,包括:金、银、铜,主要输出品为俵物、诸色物、粮食。通过比较可以看出,作为两港口核心贸易输出品的生丝及白银为亚洲贸易的良好运转提供了重要保障。但是,由于两国国内社会经济发展水平及"锁国体制"对两个港口影响力度的不同,广州、长崎对外输出品等级及流通范围存在较大差异;作为亚洲乃至世界重要贸易集散地的广州,无论是港口贸易量及额度还是贸易商品流通范围均非长崎所能比拟。然而,在近代东亚转型期来临的前夜,两座港口对各自国家社会变迁所起到的作用却大不相同,亦对后来中日两国的早期现代化发展进程产生了迥异的影响。 China and Japan have entered the final stage of development of feudal society dunng 17- 18 century, although there was a big difference of institutions between this two countries, but they were invariably implemented the "closed-door policy" in foreign relations. However, the lock does not mean that the country was completely isolated from the outside world, if it was linked with international trade in East Asia to expedition, that can called the limited opening under the control of the country's political rights and also named Canton, Nagasaki "one port to trade" trade patterns. Speaking on the output product structure, the bulk export commodity of Canton include raw silk and silk, procelain, tea, major export commodity include cotton and sugar; the bulk export commodity of Nagasaki was precious matal, include gold, silver, copper, major export commodity include marine product, debris, grain. Through the comparative analysis can be seen, as the core trade commodity, raw silk and silver provided an important gurantee for good functioning of the Asia trade. But, since the diversity of the level of socio- economic development in both countries and the impact strength of "close-door system" on the two ports, there was a big difference on export commodity level and flow ranges of Canton and Nagasaki ; Canton as the important trade center of Asia and the world, no matter the trade volume, value of trade or the flow ranges of commodity that Nagasaki can not be matched. Howere, on the eve of the advent of transition in modern east Asia, the two ports played different role on the development of their respective countries, and also affected the early modern development process of this two countries.
作者 张晓刚 刘钦
出处 《社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期140-150,共11页 Journal of Social Sciences
基金 国家社科基金项目"中日韩开港与城市社会变迁研究"(项目编号:12BSS016) 教育部人文社科基金项目"从锁国到开放:中日韩开港比较研究"(项目编号:09YJA710005)的阶段性成果
关键词 广州 长崎 对外贸易 输出品结构 锁国 Canton Nagasaki the Foreign Trade Export Structure Sakaku
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