非典型抗精神病药是目前治疗精神分裂症的一线用药。多年来,精神分裂症的治疗目标不仅是控制阳性、阴性症状,还要最终改善患者社会功能。由于受体与药动学的差别,不同非典型抗精神病药物的剂量调整各异。合理调整与优化非典型抗精神病药物的剂量,是保证良好疗效与安全性的基础。非典型抗精神病药帕利哌酮缓释片,采用OROS缓释技术,血药浓度平稳,无需滴定给药,可保持稳定疗效和较少不良反应。帕利哌酮缓释片临床推荐治疗剂量是每日9 mg。
The atypical antipsychotic medications are the first-line medications in treating schizophrenia now. Over the years, the treatment goal of schizophrenia has shifted from only controlling the positive and negative symptoms, to also improving the functionality. The dose adjustment for different antipsychotic differs due to the differences between drug receptors and pharmacokinetics. It is the foundation of ensuring satisfactory efficacy and safety to reasonably adjust and optimize the dosage of the new formulations of antipsyehotics. The new antipsychotic paliperidone extended-release tablets adopt an OROS slow-release method and have an equilibrium concentration. Thus it does not need to be titrated, and ensures the stable curative effect and minor adverse reactions. The clinical therapeutic dosage of paliperidone is usually 9 mg per day.
Chinese Journal of New Drugs