目的:探讨臭氧对中晚期骨关节炎(osteoarthritis,OA)患者关节软骨中聚蛋白多糖酶1(aggrecanase-1,Agase-1 or ADAMTS-4)及基质金属蛋白酶组织抑制因子(tissue inhibitor of metallopmteinase3,TIMP-3)的影响.方法:21例拟接受全膝关节置换术的单关节OA患者为实验组,入院后于手术前接受30%医用臭氧关节腔注射1~2次,间隔3d至术前;另选入院后接受全膝关节置换术的单关节OA而不进行术前臭氧关节腔注射的患者作为空白对照组(18例).应用酶联免疫吸附试验(enzyme linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA)检测Agase 1、TIMP-3在两组血清中的表达,以浓度ng/ml表示各项在血清中水平.甲苯胺蓝法检测关节软骨中蛋白多糖(proteoglycan,PG)的含量.结果:与对照组相比,实验组Agase-1表达水平明显下降、TIMP-3明显增加(P<0.05),但关节软骨中的蛋白多糖含量增加不明显.结论:臭氧可以抑制Agase 1的表达、增加TIMP-3的表达,但并不改变OA患者关节软骨中蛋白多糖的含量,未见明显的关节保护作用.
Objective:To study the influence of ozone (O3) on the expression of aggrecanase-1 (Agase-1) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-3 (TIMP-3) in serum of middle-late term osteoarthritis (OA) patients.Methods:A total of 39 cases were divided into the ozone-treated group (n =21) in which patients received total knee replacement surgery with ozone injection before surgery and the blank control group (n =18) in which patients received total knee replacement surgery without ozone injection.Ozone was given by knee joint cavity paracentesis once or twice before operation after hospital admission.Expression of Agase-1 and TIMP-3 in serum of the two groups were investigated by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and represented by the concentration unit ng/ml.Contents of proteoglycan (PG) in cartilage were determined by toluidine blue method.Results:Compared to the control group,the serum levels of Agase-1 in the ozone-treated group significantly decreased,and the levels of TIMP-3 significantly increased (P < 0.05),while the increase in PG in cartilage was not significant.Conclusion:Ozone can suppress Agase-1 and up-regulate TIMP-3 in cartilage in OA patients,but did not change the contents of PG.Ozone has no chondroprotective effect.
Chinese Journal of Pain Medicine