目的:通过测定性早熟女童黄体生成素释放激素(luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone,LHRH)激发试验中各时间段黄体生成素(luteinizing hormone,LH)、卵泡刺激素(follicle stimulating hormone,FSH)、雌二醇(estrogen,E2)水平,寻求缩短激发试验时间的简便、实用的方法,以减轻患儿家长的经济负担及患儿的痛苦。方法:应用全自动化学发光免疫分析系统检测80例性早熟女童LHRH激发试验前及激发试验后30、60、90、120 min时血清E2、FSH、LH水平,并进行比较。结果:真性性早熟女童41例,其注射LHRH30 min后,FSH和LH明显升高(P均<0.01),30、60、90、120 min时血清FSH、LH水平与激发前比较,差异均有统计学意义(F分别为25.11和25.19,P均<0.01),但90 min与120 min时血清FSH、LH水平比较差异无统计学意义。LHRH注射后的FSH、LH峰值分别为(13.21±6.01)U/L和(21.69±11.57)U/L。真性性早熟女童LHRH注射后30、60、90、120 min血清E2水平与激发前比较,差异无统计学意义。结论:女童性早熟性激素激发试验可简化为只测定LHRH激发前和激发后30、60、90 min的LH、FSH水平。
Objective:To explore a more simplified,practical stimulation test method by examining the levels of luteinizing hormone(LH),follicle stimulating hormone(FSH),estrogen (E2) at different time points in luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH) stimulation test for girls with precocious puberty to reduce the economic burden for the children' parents,the pain children sufferrd and shorten the LHRH stimulation testing time.Methods:A total of 80 girls with precocious puberty were enrolled.The levels of E2,FSH,LH before LHRH stimulation test and at 30,60,90,120 min after LHRH stimulation test were detected using automatic chemiluminescence immune detection system.Results:In the group of 41 girls with true precocious puberty,the levels of both FSH and LH significantly increased 30 min after LHRH injection(P<0.01),and the levels of both FSH and LH at 30,60,90,120 min after LHRH injection were different from those before LHRH injection(F =25.11,F =25.19,P all<0.01),while the results between 90 min and 120 min after LHRH injection had no significant difference.The peak levels of FSH and LH were (13.21 ± 6.01)U/L and (21.69 ± 11.57)U/L after LHRH injection.The level of E2 at 30,60,90,120 min after LHRH injection were not significantly different from that before LHRH injection in the group of true precocious puberty.Conclusions:The stimulation test can be simplified to just examine the levels of both LH and FSH before the test and at 30,60,90 min after the test.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine
Precocious puberty
Stimulation test