我国现行的社会养老保障制度是由原有的现收现付制向基金积累制过渡的一种模式。该制度在实施过程中最大的困难是改革时已退休和已参加工作的职工的养老金个人账户没有积累基金。由于这部分职工的养老金已经以利税形式上交给国家 ,包含于现有的国有资产之中 ,因此政府应该承担制度转型中的这种养老金隐性债务。具体筹资方式包括 :变现部分上市公司国有股 ,出售部分国有资产或国有股股权 ,适量进行财政补贴。采纳这三种筹资方式对养老金的隐性债务进行补偿 ,不仅能顺利实现社会养老保障制度的转轨 ,而且有利于企业多元投资主体的形成 。
The social security system for the aged in china is transferring from \!on benefit basis\' to \!on contribution basis\'. The most serious difficulty of the system is that there is no accumulated pension for those people who had retired or worked when the system began to reform. Since those workers pension is included in the state\|owned assets, the government should bear the financial responsibility. The methods of raising the funds include the following:selling a portion of state\|owned shares in stock market, selling a portion of state\|owned assets, and providing financial allowance.
Journal of Peking University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)