目的建立水中苦味酸的吹扫捕集-气相色谱-质谱检测方法。方法水中苦味酸与衍生剂次氯酸钠反应生成挥发性的氯化苦(三氯硝基甲烷),经ENCON Evolution吹扫捕集仪取样、加氟苯内标、吹扫、捕集和热解析后,进入气相色谱-质谱联用仪进行分离和检测,全扫描监测,内标法定量。结果苦味酸的衍生化产物分离良好,衍生化后72 h内测试稳定,在1.0μg/L^40.0μg/L范围内,苦味酸的浓度与氯化苦/氟苯内标峰面积比呈现良好的线性关系,相关系数>0.999。方法检出限为0.5μg/L。实际水样加标10.0μg/L 7次平行测定RSD为2.8%。不同浓度加标回收率在90%~106%之间。结论:该方法简化了样品的前处理程序,避免了有毒萃取溶剂的使用,具有简便、环保、准确、灵敏的优点,适用于水中苦味酸的常规监测。
Objective To develop an analytical method for picric acid in water by GC - MS with purge and trap concentrator. Methods Picric acid in water reacted with derivatizing agent sodium hypochlorite to produce volatile chloropicrin(nitrotrichlo- romethane). With fluorobenzene as internal standard, the sample solution containing chloropicrin was purged, trapped and ther- mally desorbed by ENCON Evolution purge and trap concentrator, then separated and detected by GC - MS, finally quantified by internal standard method. Results The derivative product of picric acid was separated well and tested stably within 72 hours. In the concentration range of 1.0 μg/L - 40.0μg/L, picric acid showed good linearity with peak area ratio of chloropic- rin / fluorobenzene ( r 〉 0. 999). The detection limit of the method was 0.5 μg/L. The recoveries of picric acid at different lev- els were between 90% - 106%, and the RSD was 2.8% with standard addition concentration of 10.0μg/L in practical water sample(n = 7). Conclusion This method has simplified the sample pre - treatment procedures and avoided the use of toxic solvent, it was convenient, environmental friendly, accurate and sensitive for routine monitoring of picric acid in water.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology