'In 2 weeks we can get 70%of the sales expense,and in another 2 the remaining money.This is the payment period of VIPSHOP,' says Li Liang,head of a garment ecommerce brand in Ningbo.For vendors like him,the extremely short payment period and quality services including logistics,marketing,customer service and assisted refund are quite attractive.Shen Ya and Hong Xiaobo,founders of VIPSHOP,come from traditional business,and it's their understanding of the business men's pain points that forged VIPSHOP's success.Active involvement of the vendors on one hand,special sale for limited time with high conversion rate on the other,the business of VIPSHOP grew at high speed.Its share price has increased from around $5 to over $100 in merely 22 months.The principle of ecommerce can be quite simple:it's just the pursuit for the business nature. 'Neither of us are good story tellers,' says Shen about his partner Hong Xiaobo.They don't manipulate vendors or customers;they keep exploring vertical industries and professional depth and try to be the 'humane' ecommerce.For them,entrepreneurship is a long run with no end:once started,never stop.