
客户知识管理能力对新产品开发绩效影响的实证研究 被引量:2

An Empirical Study on the impact of customer knowledge management capability on NPD Performance
摘要 本研究分析客户知识管理能力(CKMC)对新产品开发绩效(NPD绩效)的影响,讨论产品创新程度的调节作用,并探索组织文化和组织结构的驱动作用,提出CKMC对NPD绩效影响的概念模型。最后以制造业为调研对象做实证分析,结果表明:客户知识管理能力对新产品开发绩效具有重要显著影响;在中国背景下,信任和合作的组织文化有助于提升客户知识管理能力和新产品开发绩效;集权化和形式化的组织结构不利于客户知识管理能力的提升,但有利于新产品开发绩效的提高;中国的制造业的产品创新能力亟待提高。 This paper focuses on how customer knowledge management capability (CKMC) influences NPD performance. Based on previous studies domestically and abroad, it goes further to explore the moderation effect of product innovation degree organization, and identifies two antecedents-organization culture and organization structure and the influence path of them. Finally, an empirical study is conducted in the manufacturing sector to test the concept model and hypotheses. Results show that CKMC has important significant impact on NPD performance; in China, the organizational culture of trust and cooperation helps improve CKMC and NPD performance while the organizational structure of centralization and formalization helps improve CKMC but reduces NPD performance; the manufacturing sector needs to improve product innovation capability desperately.
作者 杨灿 李海刚
出处 《上海管理科学》 2014年第1期45-50,共6页 Shanghai Management Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"知识视角下的NPD合作网络成员与产品创新绩效的关系模型及其实证研究"(编号:71071095)
关键词 客户知识管理能力 新产品开发绩效 组织文化 组织结构 产品创新程度 Customer knowledge development capability, NPD performance, Organization culture, Organization structure, Product innovation degree
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