
电动公交车充电站功率需求影响因素分析及建模 被引量:13

Influence Factors Analysis and Modeling of Power Demand for Electric Bus Charging Station
摘要 电动公交车在未来的数年内将实现大规模运营,因而电动公交车的充电功率需求将对电网产生一定影响。论文首先分析了交通情况、车速、载客量等因素影响下的电动公交车起始能量状态(SOE)和进站时间。然后,依托起始能量状态和充电开始时间以及实测的电池充电功率曲线建立电动公交车充电站功率需求模型。据此模型,利用某重点示范电动公交车充电站的运行数据及起始能量状态和进站时间的计算模型,得到电动公交车充电站一天内的充电功率曲线。最后,将计算结果与实际充电站的功率曲线对比,证明了模型的有效性。 With the Large scale operation of the electric bus, the growing charging power demand will have certain influ- ence on power grid. The arriving time and initial energy state of electric bus influenced by such factors as traffic, car speed and busload are analyzed firstly. Then the power de- mand model for electric bus charging station is built accord- ing to initial energy state, start charging time and real bat- tery charging power curve. By using of proposed model, the charging power curve within a day for electric bus charging station is obtained based on the operating data in a demon- stration electric bus charging station and the calculation model of initial energy state and the arriving time. The com- paring between calculation results and real charging station verifies the validity of proposed model.
出处 《现代电力》 北大核心 2014年第1期28-33,共6页 Modern Electric Power
基金 "十二五"国家科技支撑重大项目(2011BAG02B14) 国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)(2011AA05A109)
关键词 电动公交车 功率需求 起始能量状态 进站时间 运行规律 electric bus power demand state of energy(SOE) arriving time operation law
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