
电动汽车与电网统一互动架构设计与探讨 被引量:5

Design and Discussion of a Unified EV-grid Integration Structure
摘要 电动汽车与电网的互动为大规模电动汽车的接入提供了支持,需要对不同充电模式、场所和管理方式下电动汽车与电网的互动方案进行设计。分析了各种充电场景下,电网对电动汽车的控制管理方式,根据电网运行需求,提出了电动汽车与电网互动的主要目标,进而提出了电动汽车与电网互动统一架构,包括5个层级:用户管理层、本地能量管理层、集成管理层、配电网管理层及区域电网管理层。对电动汽车与电网的在不同场景下的通讯结构、各层级的控制策略进行了探讨。最后,在特定互动方案下,进行了案例仿真。结果表明,通过电动汽车与电网的信息互动,电动汽车充电负荷特性发生较大程度的改变。文中指出电动汽车与电网的互动存在多种解决方案,本文提出的统一架构为各种方案的设计和应用提供了参考。 The integration of electric vehicle (EV) and the grid provides the support of the application of large-scale e- lectric vehicles (EVs). So it is necessary to design the struc- ture of EV-grid integration under different charging modes, locations and management methods. The control manage- ment mode of power grid to EVs is analyzed under different charging scenarios. Then the main aims of EV-grid integra- tion arc presented according to the requirements of grid op- eration, and a unified EV-grid integration structure with five control levels is proposed, which include the user man- agement level, the local energy management level, integrat- ed management level, the distribution system management level and the area grid management level. In addition, the communication structure in different charging scenarios and control strategies of every level are discussed. In the end, the simulation is carried out on a specific EV-grid integration scheme, and results show that the charging characteristics of EVs will change significantly with information exchanged between EV and the grid are different solutions for fied structure proposed in the design and application It is also pointed out that there EV-grid integration, and the uni- this paper provide reference for of these schemes.
出处 《现代电力》 北大核心 2014年第1期34-39,共6页 Modern Electric Power
基金 南方电网公司科技项目(K-GD2011-534)
关键词 电动汽车 电网互动 有序充电 架构设计 electric vehicle grid integration coordinatedcharging structure design
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