Helen Hennessy Vendler is widely regarded as a leading American critic and one of the most accomplished interpreters of poetry She has published more than thirty books on American and British poets. vendler has been a professor of English at Harvard University since 1980. She is fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and was selected by the National Endowment for the Humanities for the 2004 Jefferson Lecture, the U.S. federal government's highest honor for achievement in humanities. In October 2013, Ma Xian, professor of Hangzhou Normal University and visiting scholar at Harvard University, entrusted by Foreign Literature Studies, interviewed vendler via email. The interview focuses on /,endler's career as a literary critic, her criticism of poetry, transformations or revisions of her critical thinking and approaches to criticism. The interview also covers a variety of topics, addressing issues such as the art of Shakespeare's sonnets, Wallace Stevens's poetry, the relationships between poems and paintings, between readers and poetry, and between teaching and criticism, etc. As for varieties of prevailing theories, /,endler asserts that she does not think literary study can be seen in temporal terms, with one form of emphasis following another, in various "schools" of criticism. She thinks instead that the poem should be addressed as an artwork, that the critic should practice an eclecticism choosing approaches that differ depending on the poem. She declares that she has no theories herself on the criticism of poetry and algues that theory has offered very little of relevance to lyric: theory has depended on long forms (essays, novels) that can be "deconstructed," whereas lyric doesn't offer that purchase.
Foreign Literature Studies
Helen vendler criticism of poetry critical thinking and approaches