

3Dmodel semantic annotation method fusing shape and semantic relevance
摘要 为了解决目前三维模型语义标注方法鲁棒性差和精确程度不高的缺点,在三维模型与语义之间相关传递原理的基础上,提出了三维模型与语义词汇之间的相关基数度量算法,并结合骨架结构以及几何细节在模型匹配中的应用,设计了一种三维模型自动语义标注方法。实验验证了该方法具有较高的准确性和鲁棒性,不但在三维模型的形状特征和语义特征之间建立了可靠的映射关系,而且为三维模型的语义检索提供了可靠的依据。 Aiming at the current automatic semantic annotation technology for 3D model being deficiency in robustness and accu- racy, the model-semantic vocabulary related base metrics algorithm is proposed based on the semantic correlation and heir princi- ple among the three-dimensional models, and then a kind of automatic semantic armotation method for 3D model is designed combining skeleton structure with the geometric details in the application of the model matching. Experiments show that this method has high accuracy and robustness, and not only reliable mapping relationship between shape feature and semantic feature of the model is established, but also the reliable basis for the semantic retrieval of 3D models is provided.
作者 韩丽 朱永玲
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期715-719,共5页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61202316) "辽宁百千万人才工程"培养经费基金项目(2010921090)
关键词 三维模型 语义标注 相关传递 相关基数 相似度计算 模型检索 3D model semantic annotation correlation and heir relevant base similarity calculation model retrieval
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