
归纳逻辑在管理案例研究中的应用:以AMJ年度最佳论文为例 被引量:23

Application of Inductive Logic in Management Case Study:An Analysis of Award-Wining Papers in AMJ
摘要 Yin的"复制逻辑"和Eisenhardt的"复制与扩展逻辑"是目前管理学顶级期刊中被使用最多的管理案例研究方法论,它们完全可以被看作古典归纳逻辑理论中契合差异法则的一个不严格的表述。增加考察的场合以及在理论抽样中尽量选择那些因素差异较大的场合可以增加归纳推理的广度,配合使用演绎逻辑可以增加归纳推理的深度。本文在以上归纳逻辑理论的基础上提出管理案例研究的七项基本原则,并使用上述原则对2005-2009年AMJ年度最佳论文进行分析和评价。 The YIN's replication logic and the Eisenhardt's replica- tion and extension logic are mostly used in management top jour- nals. They can be seen as a not strict representation of the classical theory of inductive logic. Increasing the quantity and difference can upgrade the breadth of inductive reasoning. With the using of deductive logic can increase the depth of inductive reasoning. Seven basic principles of management case studies are made on the basis of the above inductive logic theory. First, necessary review of the literature is very important. Second, case studies cannot propose explicit assumptions at the beginning of the study. Third, theoretical sampling strategy has important implications for the quality of case studies; Fourth, triangulation is related to Prerequisite for induc- tion, but not related to Inductive reasoning process. Fifth, stylized coding is not necessary for all case studies. Sixth, it is necessary to distinguish the case of data and analysis of data. Seventh, when single case study in actual use, the breadth of multi-induction can- not be increased. In-depth analysis should be performed to increase the depth of the induction. Otherwise, the overall quality of a single case study will be low. AMJ Award-Wining Papers of the Year in 2005 and 2009 are analyzed and evaluated using the above-men- tioned principles. Our results demonstrate that, first, the fundamen- tal difference between case studies and the positivism studies lies in that the traditional positivism research is to test the theory and the case studies to construct theory. Secondly, in view of this method, theoretical construction is a process of theoretical sampling. In the view of the logical process, it is a process of using inductive logic. Thirdly, inductive logic process requires deductive reasoning; de- ductive reasoning can enhance the induction depth. Thus literature review is very important. Case studies are no difference with the traditional positivism research at this point. Fourthly, in order to improve the quality of case studies, we need to enhance the breadth of inductive reasoning, which requires an increase in conditions fac- tors as well as selecting the bigger factor that differentiated. Lastly, program code and triangular verification is not essential in the case studies, one can choose it according to actual needs.
作者 吕力
出处 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第1期151-160,共10页 Nankai Business Review
基金 国家社科基金项目(11BGL003)资助
关键词 归纳逻辑 案例研究 复制逻辑 复制扩展逻辑 方法论 Inductive Logic Case Study Replication Logic Repli- cation and Extension Logic Methodology
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