目前全世界约有3.5亿慢性乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)感染者[1],每年有约100万人死于乙型肝炎(乙肝)相关肝硬化或肝癌[2]。HBV感染者的临床表现多样化,病毒和疾病活动程度不一,但持续感染的主要原因是肝细胞核内HBV共价闭合环状DNA(covalently closed circular DNA,cccDNA)的存在。HBV cccDNA是HBV复制过程中的重要中间体,是HBV mRNA和前基因组RNA(pgRNA)的合成模板及病毒持续感染的关键因素[3-7]。HBV cccDNA半衰期长,不易降解。
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) -covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA), the original template for HBV mRNA and pgRNA transcription, has a longer half-life. It has been considered that HBV cccDNA is the major factor for the persistent replication of HBV in hepatocytes and the disease relapses of CHB patients after withdraw of the antiviral therapy. The detection of HBV cccDNA in liver biopsy plays a potential role in guiding clinical antiviral therapy. While usually the cryo preserved liver tissues are not always conveniently availa ble, specimens from archived formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) liver tissues are routinely available for further analysis. In this review, we summarize the methods for HBV cccDNA detection in paraffin embed ded liver tissues and its clinical applications.
Chinese Journal of Viral Diseases