
主动脉弓中断28例临床分析 被引量:5

Clinical analysis of interruption of aortic arch in 28 patients
摘要 目的探讨主动脉弓中断的诊断、治疗误区,提高疾病的诊治水平。方法回顾性分析28例主动脉弓中断患儿术前诊断、术中探查及手术效果。结果 15例手术成功,2例术前诊断不明确、术中因结扎动脉导管致降主动脉缺血时间长而死亡,2例因艾森曼格综合征丧失手术机会。结论主动脉弓中断易误诊漏诊,术前应明确诊断,尽早手术可挽救患儿生命。 Objective To discuss the misunderstanding of diagnosis and treatment in interruption of aortic arch (IAA) so as to improve the level of diagnosis and treatment of IAA. Methods Twenty-eight IAA patients were retrospectively analyzed the preoperative diagnosis, intraoperative findings and the surgical outcome. Results Of these 28 patients, 15 got successful operation, 2 with unclear preoperative diagnosis died of long-time ischemia of the descending aorta due to ligation of the patent ductus arteriosus in the beginning of operation, and 2 with Eisenmenger syndrome lost operation opportunity. Conclusions IAA is frequently misdiagnosed and missed diagnosed, and to make a clear diagnosis before operation and perform operation in time could save the children's life and provide better outcome.
出处 《中华实用诊断与治疗杂志》 2014年第2期173-174,共2页 Journal of Chinese Practical Diagnosis and Therapy
关键词 主动脉弓中断 误诊 手术时机 Interruption of aortic arch misdiagnosis timing of surgery
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