
程序公正性——知识经济时代的重要管理措施 被引量:9

Procedural Justice: An Important Management Approach in the Age of Knowledge Economy
摘要 在文献研究的基础上 ,作者在某保险公司广州分公司进行了一次实证研究 ,就程序公正性对保险公司业务员的影响进行了因果关系模型分析。分析结果表明 :不同的程序公正性属性对员工的行为有不同的影响 ,但各类属性都会直接或间接地影响员工对管理人员的信任感 ,增强员工相互合作、相互分享知识的意愿 ,提高员工工作积极性 ,增强员工的敬业精神。本次研究为凯因和马邦恩提出的“智力和情感赏识理论”提供了实证依据。 Based on the review of literature, the authors did an empirical study of the Guangzhou Branch of an insurance company. The causal modeling analysis of the impact of procedural justice on employee behavior indicates that different attributes of procedural justice have different impacts on employee behaviour, but all attributes have either direct or indirect positive impacts on employees trust in the managers, their willingness to cooperate and share knowledge with their colleagues, and their commitment to the company. The findings of the research provide empirical evidence for the intelligence and emotional recognition theory proposed by Kim and Mauborgne.
出处 《中山大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第5期38-44,共7页 Journal of Sun Yat-sen University(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家教委"九五"人文社会科学研究专项任务项目! ( 97JD630 0 31)
关键词 程序公正性 合作精神 知识分享 知识经济 自愿合作 企业管理 管理决策 智力赏识 情感赏识 procedural justice cooperation knowledge sharing knowledge economy
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