生态经济伦理学是一门新兴的交叉学科 ,因而它在展开其系统论证之前必须澄清下列几个问题 :经济活动伦理意蕴的历史演变 ,生态经济伦理学的学科性质 ,生态经济伦理的主要内涵以及生态经济伦理学研究的意义。
It is requisite for eco economic ethics as a new coming interdiscipline, before its endeavor to construct a systematic theory, to make clear the following four points, to wit, the historical variation in the moral implication of economic activity, the disciplinary characters of eco economic ethics, the main connotation of eco economic morality, and the significance of the study of eco economic ethics. This paper serves as an introduction to eco economic ethics.
Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University