有中国特色的社会主义所有制结构 ,是马克思、恩格斯所有制理论在中国的创新和发展 ,这一结构的突出特色在于公有制的突破性内涵上 ,即公有制主体论是资本公有论、公有资本主体论。
Chinese characterized structure of socialist ownership system is the innovation and development of Marx and Engels' theories of ownership system in China.The striking character of the structure lies in the break through of the intension of system of public ownership, which is , the theory of system of public ownership as the leading role is an organic whole composed of the theory concerning assets as the public owned, the theory regarding public owned assets as the prevailing position, the theory of quality on public owned assets and the theory concerning public owned assets occupying the leading position.\;
Journal of Inner Mongolia University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)