观测MS-222对大鲵( Andrias davidianus)的麻醉效果。12~15℃水温下,使用0.6 g/L MS-222对16尾4.7龄宁陕县东河的大鲵和16尾2.7龄周至县黑河的大鲵进行浸浴麻醉,每间隔5 min,观测个体的逃匿反应、翻正反射及痛感反应,记录个体麻醉时间和恢复时间并进行数据分析。使用0.6 g/L MS-222对大鲵进行浸浴处理,32尾个体均达到深度麻醉,所需时间为11~30 min,苏醒时间为30~180 min;体重与麻醉时间呈显著的正相关关系( r=0.320),水温与麻醉时间呈显著的强负相关关系( r=-0.698)。试验过程中没有个体死亡。
This study represents the first attempt to evaluate the effectiveness of MS-222 as anesthetic agents for Andrias davidianus.Two groups of A.davidianus, sixteen from Heihe river basin and sixteen from Donghe river basin , were anes-thetized in a 12 ℃ water bath containing MS-222 ( 600 mg/L of water ) . After a one half month period , eight of the A.davidianus were randomly chosen for anesthesia in a 15℃water bath.Escape, right, superficial pain, and deep pain reflexes were monitored at every five-minute intervals after exposure to anesthetics .The duration of deep anesthesia and of recovery was recorded .MS-222 administered at 0.6 g/L produced deep anesthesia in all of the A.davidianus either in 12 ℃water bath or in 15 ℃ water bath.The time for anesthesia and recovery ranged between 11 ~30 min and 30 ~180 min, respectively .The higher water temperature significantly ( P<0.01 ) reduced the time required for deep anesthe-sia and for recovery at both groups .A slightly positive correlation ( r=0.320 ) was found between body mass and the time for anesthesia and recovery .
Freshwater Fisheries