在不排泥条件下,膜生物反应器(MBR)内的污泥浓度MLSS和MLVSS都随时间不断累积,而反映污泥活性的MLVSS/MLSS则不断减少。研究中发现,MLSS对MBR运行效果影响显著:TN的去除率随污泥浓度增加而增加,而COD的去除率随MLSS的增加先降后升,TP的去除率则先升后降,且二者均在污泥浓度6500 mg/L时达到极值,NH3-N的去除效果则随着污泥负荷的增加呈降低趋势。
With no sludge discharged, the sludge concentration continued to accumulate over time in membrane bioreactor (MBR), but the ratio of MLVSS/MLSS decreased. It was showed that MLSS make influence on MBR operation effects. The removal rate of TN increased with increasing sludge concentration, and the removal rate of COD increased with the increase of MLSS and then increased, the removal rate of TP was increased first and then decreased, and reached the maximum at two 6500 mg/L when the sludge concentration, the removal efficiency of NH3-N with increasing the sludge load decrease.
Guangdong Chemical Industry