
低碳经济发展模式下供应商选择问题研究 被引量:9

A Study on the Supplier Selection under Low Carbon Economic Development
摘要 供应商选择问题是供应链运营的核心,在碳排放约束下,对供应商的选择有了新的要求。从企业能力、碳排放水平和服务水平等三个方面评价供应商。采用熵权法,构建供应商评价指标体系和评价模式,完善供应商评价理论,研究低碳经济发展模式下,考虑碳排放成本存在差异的供应商选择问题。通过算例分析,为制造商选择供应商提供实践指导。 Supplier selection is the core link in the supply chain operations. With the restrictions on carbon emissions, new requirements emerge in regard to the supplier selection. Three aspects of enterprise capability, carbon emission and service level should be respectively considered when evaluating suppliers. This paper tries to establish the supplier evaluation index system and evalua- tion model by using the entropy method, and thus enrich the supplier evaluation theory, and pro- vide a practical guidance for manufacturers through the example analysis.
出处 《北京交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2014年第1期8-14,共7页 Journal of Beijing Jiaotong University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(71072155) 天津市高等学校人文社会科学研究项目(20132141)
关键词 低碳经济 碳排放 供应链 供应商选择 low carbon economy carbon emission supply chain supplier selection
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