
5株新分离海洋硅藻总脂和脂肪酸组成的比较研究 被引量:3

A comparative study on total lipid and fatty acid composition of five newly isolated marine diatoms
摘要 从浙江渔山列岛、朱家尖海域拖网采集浮游植物,采用平板分离法和水滴分离法分离、纯化出5株硅藻,用MAV培养基进行培养,采用Bligh—Dyer法和气相色谱-质谱法,对5株海洋硅藻的总脂及脂肪酸组成进行了分析比较。结果表明:在水温17—25℃,盐度25,自然光照,不充气培养条件下,5株海洋硅藻的总脂含量为15.14%-28.07%,除成对海链藻(Thalassiosirabinata)外,大龙骨藻(Tropidoneismaxima)、咖啡双眉藻(Amphoracoffeaeformis)、曼氏骨奈藻SM-2012—1(Skeletonemamunzelii)、曼氏骨条藻SM-2012-2(Skeletonemamunzelii)的总脂含量均超过其干重的20%。除咖啡双眉藻的20:4n_6含量高于20:5n4外,其它4株硅藻的20:5n.3在脂肪酸组成中含量较高,达22.04%-27.74%;5株硅藻中C18系列脂肪酸含量较低,为0.13%-7.6%;咖啡双眉藻除外的其它4株硅藻均舍有一定量的22:6n-3(2.40%-3.45%)。最终选出大龙骨藻(Tropidoneis maxima)、曼氏骨条藻SM-2012-1(Skeletonemamunzelii)、曼氏骨条藻SM-2012-2(Skeletonemamunzelii)具有开发的潜能。 By the method of tablet and droplet separation, five species of diatoms collected from Zhejiang Yushan islands and Zhujia- jian Sea area were isolated and purified. The isolates were cultured under MAV medium. A comparative analysis of total lipid and fatty acid composition was made by using the methods of Bligh-Dyer and GC-MS. The resuh showed that under the condition of water tem- perature 17 -25~C, salinity 25, natural light and without inflation, total lipid contents of five species of marine diatoms ranged from 15. 14% to 28. 07% , and total lipid content of Tropidoneis maxima, Amphora coffeaeformis, Skeletonema munzelii SM-2012-1, Skele- tonema munzdii SM-2012-2 was more than 20% on dry weight except Thalassiosira binata. The high level of 20:5 n-3 in four species of diatoms was from 22.04% to 27.74% except that the content of 20:4 n-6 was higher than that of 20:5 n-3 for Amphora coffeae- formis. A certain amount of 22:6 n-3(2.40% to 3.45% ) was found in four species except Amphora coffeaeformis. Tropidoneis maxi- ma, Skeletonema munzelii SM-2012-1 and Skeletonema munzelii SM-2012-2 were eventually determined to have the potential for further application.
出处 《生物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2014年第1期60-63,81,共5页 Journal of Biology
基金 国家海洋公益项目(2013418022) 浙江省近岸水域生物资源的开发与保护重点实验室基金项目(J2012010) 宁波市重点科技项目(2008C50027)
关键词 海洋微藻 分离 总脂 脂肪酸 marine microalgae isolation total lipid fatty acid
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