
^(67)Ga、^(210)TL与^(99m)TC-MiBi肺肿瘤阳性显像的诊断分析 被引量:1

Diagnostic Analysis of Scintigraphy of Gullium-67,Thallium-201 and ^(99m) Technetium-sestamibi in Lung Neoplasms
摘要 目的 :对比分析 6 7Ga、2 0 1 TL 与99TC-甲氧基异丁基异腈 (Mi Bi)肺肿瘤显像的诊断价值。方法 :对 184例使用 6 7Ga2 0 1,2 5例使用2 0 1 TL与 48例使用99m TC- Mi Bi进行肺肿瘤显像 ,患者均经穿刺活组织检查 ,手术切除或其他方法获得病理结果 ,其中肺癌 174例 ,肺良性病变 83例。结果 :6 7Ga对肺癌显像的灵敏度为 79.5 % ,特异性 79.9% ,准确率79.3%。2 0 1 TL 的灵敏度为 6 6 .7% ,特异性 85 % ,准确率 72 % ,99m TC- Mi Bi的显像灵敏度、特异性和准确率均为 75 %。结论 :6 7Ga、2 0 1 TL以及99m TC用于肺肿瘤阳性显像对肺肿瘤的诊断及鉴别其良恶性肿瘤具有一定的实用价值。 Objective:To assess the value of scintigraphy of gullium 67 and thallium 201 with 99m TC MiBi in diagnosis for lung cancer.Methods:The scintigraphy was performed with gullium 67 in 184 patients and thalliun 201 in 25 patients and 99m TC MiBi in 48 patients with pulmonary lesious.A dose of 111~185MBq 67 Ga was injected intravenously,scintigraphy were performed 72h~96h after injection.A dose of 111~148MBq 201 TL was injected intravenously,scintigraphy were carried out 15min~30min after injection,and a dose of 740~1110MBq 99m TC MiBi was injected,scintigraphy were performed 30min~120min after injection.Results:In the 127 patients with lung cancer,101 cases were positive in 67 Ga imaging,while 26 cases were negative,in 57 patients with pulmonary benign diseases,12 cases were false positive and 45 cases were negative.In the 15 patients with lung cancer,10 cases were positive in 201 TL imaging,while 5 cases were negatine.10 patients with pulmonary benign diseases,2 cases were false positive and 8 cases were negatine.In the 32 patients with Lung cancer,24 cases were positive in 99m TC MiBi,while 8 cases were negative,in 16 patients with pulmonary benign disease,4 cases were false positive and 12 cases were negative.The sensitivity,apecificity and accuracy of 67 Ga citrate imaging were 79.5%,79.9%,and 79.3%. 201 TL imaging were 66.7%,80%,72%, 99m TC MiBi imaging were 75%,75%,75% respectively.Conclusion:It was demonstrated that 67 Ga citrate, 201 TL chloride imaging and 99m TC MiBi had great clinical value in lung cancer scinigraphy.
机构地区 上海市肺科医院
出处 《中国误诊学杂志》 CAS 2001年第1期19-21,共3页 Chinese Journal of Misdiagnostics
关键词 肺肿瘤 诊断 鉴别 放射射影术 lung neoplasms/diagnosis differentiate radiography/apply
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  • 1刘秀杰,中华核医学杂志,1989年,9卷,129页












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