目的 :观察诺维苯在晚期 NSCL C化疗中的疗效和毒性反应情况。方法 :收集晚期非小细胞肺癌 46例 ,以诺维苯作为一个主要化疗药物并联合应用既往被证实对 NSCL C有确切疗效的顺铂组方进行化疗 ,NVB2 5 mg/ m2 ~ 30 mg/m2 静脉推注 ,第 1天、第 8天 ;PDD2 5 mg/ m2 ~ 30 mg/ m2 静脉滴注 ,第 3天~第 5天 ,每 2~ 3wk为一个周期 ,2周期后评价疗效 ,随访缓解期和生存期。结果 :本组 46例 NSCL C中 ,总有效率为 39.1% ,其中初治病例为 40 .7% ,复治病例为36 .8% ,初复治病例间无显著性差异 (P>0 .0 5 )。中位缓解期为 5个月。中位生存期为 9个月。毒性反应主要是骨髓抑制 ,尤其是对白细胞和血小板的影响较为明显 ,另外静脉炎和周围神经炎的发生率也较高。结论 :诺维苯是治疗晚期非小细胞肺癌疗效较好的抗癌新药 ,患者的中位缓解期和中位生存期相对较长 ,毒性反应能够耐受 ,如辅以 G- CSF防治重度的骨髓抑制 ,有较好的临床应用价值。
Objective:To observe the efficacy and toxicity of Navelbine in advanced non small cell lung cancer.Methods:To collect 46 cases of the advanced non small cell lung cancer,which was treated by main chemotherapy of Navelbine for two cycles,then to evaluate the efficacy and toxicity,visit the relievable and existing period.Results:Among this group of 46 cases patients,the total efficacy is 39.1%.The one of first cases is 40.7%,the one of return cases is 36.8%,they have no marked difference (P>0.05).The middle relievable period is five months.The major toxicity is bone marrow restrain,phlebitis and peripheral neuritis,especially affected WBC and PLT.Conclusion:Navelbine is a sort of new good anti cancer drug to treat the advanced non small cell lung cancer and has more satisfied efficacy,the toxicity is able to bear,if G csf is used to defend and treat the serious bone marrow restrain,it will have better prospective.
Chinese Journal of Misdiagnostics
vinblastine/analogs & derivatives
vinblastine/therapeutic use
carcinoma,non-small-cell Lung/drug therapy
lung neoplasms/drug therapy