
北京市和德州市社区居民对补钙的认知情况 被引量:2

Cognition of Taking Calcium Supplements among Residents in Beijing and Dezhou
摘要 目的了解北京市和德州市社区居民对补钙知识的认知情况。方法 2012年7—8月,以调查者分别居住的北京市什刹海社区和德州市广川社区年龄在35周岁以上的居民为调查对象,以社区为单位,采用整群随机抽样的方法从两地各抽取55人。采用同一个自行设计的调查问卷对居民进行一对一的调查,调查内容包括居民在生活中是否有意识补钙、以何种方式补钙(包括补钙食品的选择和出现缺钙症状时的应对)、服用钙片的时间、补钙原因、获取补钙知识的渠道和进行骨密度检查的频率。所得数据采用EPI data 3.1建立数据库,利用SPSS 19.0进行统计检验,计数资料比较采用χ2检验。结果北京市社区居民有意识补钙者比例高于德州市〔80.0%(44/55)与52.7%(29/55),P<0.05〕;前者选择钙片、口服液等保健品补钙者的比例高于后者〔52.3%(23/44)与24.1%(7/29),P<0.05〕。出现缺钙症状时,北京市社区居民"去医院就医""加强户外锻炼,多晒太阳"者比例〔56.4%(31/55)和83.6%(46/55)〕均高于德州市〔36.4%(20/55)和45.5%(25/55)〕(P<0.05);两市社区居民服用钙片的时间无差异(P>0.05)。北京市社区居民由于骨质疏松和骨折而补钙者比例〔61.8%(34/55)和25.5%(14/55)〕均高于德州市〔25.5%(14/55)和10.9%(6/55)〕(P<0.05);前者通过"社区、街道宣教""亲朋好友"获取补钙知识者比例〔34.5%(19/55)和40.0%(22/55)〕均高于德州市社区居民〔0和16.4%(9/55)〕(P<0.05)。两市社区居民骨密度检查频率间有差异(P<0.05)。结论与德州市比较,北京市社区居民对补钙的重要性认知程度较高,更依赖药物和保健品来补钙,倾向于在医生的专业指导下进行补钙,对于缺钙表现的认识更优。建议德州市应该加强社区卫生服务基层建设,提高社区卫生服务中心(站)、街道层面提供给居民正确补钙知识的能力;主流媒体要进行正确的补钙健康教育知识的传播;加强对网络等新兴媒体的利用。 Objective To investigate the cognition of calcium supplements of residents in Beijing and Dezhou. Methods Residents aged 35 or above in Shichahai community of Beijing and Guangchuan community of Dezhou were selected as study subjects during July to August of 2012, 110 cases were selected by community based random cluster sampling, 55 cases from each community. Survey was conducted among residents using a self - designed questionnaire by one - to - one inter- views. The contents of survey included consciousness of taking calcium supplements, styles of taking calcium supplements ( including high - calcium diet selection and coping style when caleiprivia symptom occurs), timepoint of taking calcium tablet, cause of taking calcium supplements, ways of getting knowledge of calcium supplements, and frequency of receiving bone density test. A database was established using the EPI data 3.1 software. Count data was analyzed by chi - square test using SPSS 19.0 software. Results The percentage of residents who take calcium consciously in Beijing was significantly higher than that in Dezhou [ 80.0% (44/55) vs. 52. 7% (29/55) , P 〈 0. 05 ~ . The percentage of residents who chose heahhcare product ( such as calcium tablet and oral solution) in Beijing was significantly higher than that in Dezhou [52. 3% (23/44) vs. 24. 1% (7/ 29), P 〈0. 051 , When calciprivia symptom occurs, 31 (56. 4% ) will " go to hospital" and 46 (83.6%) may " do more exercise and have sunbath" among Beijing residents, while the data in Dezhou were 20 (36. 4% ) and 25 (45.5%), the above two groups of data were compared respectively ( P 〈 0. 05 ) . There was no significant difference in timepoint of taking calcium tablet between two groups (P 〉 0. 05 ) . The percentages of residents who take calcium due to osteoporosis or fracture in Beijing [61.8% (34/55) and 25.5% (14/55), respectively] were significantly higher than those in Dezhou [25.5% (14/55) and 10. 9% (6/55), respectively] (P 〈0. 05) . About ways of getting knowledge of calcium supplements, the percentages of residents who get knowledge from community education or friends in Beijing [ 34. 5% (19/55) and 40. 0% (22/55), respectively] were significant higher than those in Dezhou [0 and 16.4% (9/55) ] (P 〈0. 05) . There was significant difference in frequency of receiving bone density test between two groups ( P 〈 0. 05 ) . Conclusion Compared with Dezhou residents, cognition degree of calcium supplements among Beijing residents are more higher, Beijing residents rely more on drugs and healthcare product, tend to take calcium supplements under the guidance of a doctor, and understand calciprivia symptom better. The construction of basic health service system should be strengthen in Dezhou, and the education of calcium supplements should be supplied through community health service center (station) and street levels. The mainstream media should promote the dissemination of right health education knowledge about calcium supplements. The new media such as internet need to be well used.
出处 《中国全科医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期343-346,共4页 Chinese General Practice
关键词 居民 认知 健康知识 态度 实践 社区医学 Calcium Residents Cognition Health knowledge, attitudes, practice Community medicine
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