To provide children Kyobo service" international trend a sound Kyobo environment to ensure compliance with " a consistent , Taiwan preschoolers finally completed preschools integration and set up " Early Childhood Education and Care Act " after 14 years of promoting. In response to preschools integrated , the Taiwan Ministry of Education set the new teaching activities and course outline, the new teaching activity and course outline emphasize course integration and accord children's needs and the expectations of society. Its content will be divided into body movements and health , cognitive , language , social , emotional, and aesthetic and other six areas. New course outline based integrated curriculum concept design and look forward to have awareness identification, presentation and communication , care co Appreciation reasoning , imagination creation and self-management capabilities such as the six. Preschools integration is the process of educational development important and meaningful times of change in Taiwan.
Journal of Zhanjiang Normal College
preschool integration
preschool education
integrated curriculum