
模型驱动效能评估软件构建平台 被引量:2

Model-driven Software Development Platform for Effectiveness Evaluation
摘要 效能评估软件开发过程中设计阶段的模型与效能评估软件结构具有高度相似性,传统软件开发方式中设计阶段与开发阶段相分离,效能评估的复杂化导致传统开发方式低效的弊端愈加明显,充分利用设计阶段模型是提高效能评估软件开发效率的关键。提出模型驱动的效能评估软件构建平台(Effectiveness Evaluation Software Develop Platform,EESDP),EESDP通过将效能评估描述为计算流程来完成效能评估软件的模型设计,通过模型转换和代码生成构建效能评估软件,开发过程具有高效性和易用性。 During in process of effectiveness evaluation software development, the model developed in design process is highly similar to the effectiveness evaluation software architecture. However, traditional development isolates the design process and de- velopment process, which makes the shortcoming more obvious as the effectiveness evaluation becomes more and more complex, so how to make use of the model in design process is the key to advance efficiency of development. Model-driven effectiveness e- valuation software development platform (EESDP) is proposed. EESDP treats calculate process as the model of effectiveness eval- uation in design process, by model transformation and code generating, the effectiveness evaluation software is created, so it is ef- ficient and easy to be used to develop the software.
出处 《计算机与现代化》 2014年第2期41-45,共5页 Computer and Modernization
关键词 模型驱动 效能评估 软件构建 流程 域特定语言 model-driven effectiveness evaluation software development process domain specific language
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