[目的]MEF2(moycyte enhancer factor 2,肌细胞增强因子)属于MADS转录因子家族,通过调控肌肉特异基因表达调节肌肉分化发育,在动物的生长发育过程中起重要的调节作用。鉴于其复杂的调控机制及重要的调控功能,有必要对该基因家族作更多的探索。[方法]利用GenBank提供的普通牛MEF2基因相关数据,应用生物学软件分析其理化性质,同时构建系统进化树。[结果]显示,MEF2在体内有多种蛋白形成存在,理化性质存在一定的差别,但是N端高度保守,第2-57位氨基酸肽段为MADS-box结构域,第58-77位氨基酸肽段为MEF2结构域;C端没有明显的功能域。翻译后修饰存在较多的磷酸化位点。[结论]系统进化树显示MEF2B蛋白在进化树上与无脊椎动物位于相同的进化分支上,可能较为原始。
[Objective]Myocyte enhancer factor-2A (MEF2A) is a number of MADS transcription factor family, which acts as a lynchpin in skeletal muscle development and consequently through controlling myo- cyte-specific gene expression. In view of the complicated regulation mechanisms and important regulation functions, it is necessary to further study the MEF2 gene families. [Methods]The bovine MEF2 sequences from GenBank database were downloaded and used to analyze the physicochemical properties,as well as to constructed phylogenetic tree. [Results]The results showed that the highly conserved N-terminal MADS- box (2-57aa) and MEF2 (58-77aa) domains,however their sequences diverged in their C-terminal transacti- vation domain. Bioinformatics of protein post-translational modifications exhibited that relatively more phosphorylation sites were found in C domain. [Conclusions]The phylogenetic tree results showed that MEF2B might be original because of its difference among sequences and evolutional relation.
China Cattle Science