目的探讨优质服务干预在预防手术室患者感染的效果,以提高患者的满意度与获得良好的社会与经济效益。方法选取2012年6月-2013年6月医院收治的行手术患者180例,随机分为试验组和对照组各90例,两组患者在手术室均按照正常程序进行常规治疗,而试验组患者在常规治疗基础上给予优质干预措施,包括心理疏导、健康教育、手术相关干预与手术室环境管理等,观察和记录两组患者手术前后手术室空气菌落、刷手后护士手菌落数、术后患者感染率及对手术治疗的满意程度,数据均采用统计软件SPSS 19.0进行统计处理。结果试验组患者术后手术室空气菌落数(85.26±29.57)CFU/m3、护士手部菌落数(1.96±0.32)CFU/cm2均明显低于对照组的(388.10±92.25)CFU/m3、(8.36±2.08)CFU/cm2,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);手术后试验组与对照组患者的感染率分别为5.56%、25.56%。结论手术室为医院感染高危科室,医疗工作各环节均相互地关联且互相影响,任何一个环节发生问题均可能引发手术室患者医院感染,医护人员应该增加职业道德教育与学习有关感染预防的知识,积极地采用现代化洁净手术室的护理干预新理念为患者提供服务,争取获得良好的社会与经济效益。
OBJECTIVE To explore the effect of quality service intervention on prevention of infections in operating room so as to improve the patients satisfaction and obtain good social and economic benefit. METHODS A total of 180 patients, who underwent the surgery in the hospital from Jun 2012 to Jun 2013, were enrolled in the study and randomly divided into the experimental group and the control group, with 90 cases in each, then both groups received conventional therapy in the operating room according to the normal procedures, the experimental group was given the quality service intervention on the basis of the conventional therapy, which included the psychologica 1 counseling, health education, interventions related to the operation, and management of operating room environment; the bacterial colony counts in the air of operating room before and after surgery, bacterial colony counts in the nurses hands, incidence of postoperative infections, and satisfaction with surgical procedures were observed and recorded, and the data were statistically analyzed with the use of SPSS19.0 software. RESULTS The bacterial colony counts in the air of the operating rooms after surgery was (85. 26 :[: 29. 57) CFU/m3 in the experimental group, significantly less than (388.10 92.25) CFU/m3 in the control group; the bacterial colony counts in the nursesr hands was (1.960.32) CFU/cm2 in the experimental group, significantly less than (8.36 2.08)CFU/cm2 of the control group, with statistical significance (PO. 05). The incidence of postoperative infections was 5.56 in the experimental group, 25.56% in the control group. CONCLUSION The operating room is the department at high risk of nosocomial infections each link in the medical work is correlative and interacted, and any problem in the links may result in the nosocomial infections in the operating room patients it is necessary for the medical staff to strengthen professional ethics education and infection prevention knowledge and actively adopt new concept of nursing interventions to modern clean operating rooms so as to obtain good socialand economic benefit.
Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology
Quality service intervention Operating room Patient Infection